Fluke DAQ version 6.0 is a powerful and versatile application for quick and easy configuration, data logging and data analysis using these Fluke instruments:
· 2638A Hydra Series III Data Acquisition System/Digital Multimeter »
· 2640A and 2645A NetDAQ° Networked Data Acquisition Units »
· 1586A Super-DAQ Precision Temperature Scanner »
2680 Series Data Acquisition
Systems »
Fluke DAQ is praised by users for its versatile handling of data acquisition and logging. Improved trending, file handling, web interface, web control, and convenient print functions for charts make this version of Fluke DAQ a feature-rich update. Fluke DAQ 6.0 is truly a program you can trust with your important data and analysis needs.
· Easy multi-unit configuration for any mix of 2638A Hydra Series III, 1586A Super-DAQ, NetDAQ or 2680 Series models
· Full screen trend charting of up to 32 channels with zoom, print and scaling functions
· Built-in OPC server software for sharing Fluke DAQ data with popular client programs
· Advanced trend display and viewing tools with print functions
· Logon security features
· Auto start on power inter¬rupt settings
· Master/slave configurations available
· Alarm logging history with acknowledgement features
· Four web clients for remote viewing and control of systems using secure login
· Automated email of alarm alerts
· Up to 2000-channel capability
Easy instrument setup. Simply connect your 2638A, 1586A, NetDAQ or 2680A Series to your computer and your current hard¬ware configuration will pre-populate in the configuration setup area, ready to edit if needed. The simple copy-and-paste feature makes quick work of setting up multiple channels with similar inputs.
Trend chart. View up to 32 trends on one graph, with the ability to save and load historical charts and add new chart formats. Chart controls for auto scale, fixed scale, horizontal and vertical zoom and grid division control.
Chart data export. Fluke DAQ makes it easy to extract data from any portion of your historical chart data. Simply select the data you want and export chart data to a convenient CSV file format.
Print capability. Print trend charts and alarm status infor¬mation from a local PC or from the Fluke DAQ web view.
Web view. In addition to current readings, the web view feature allows users to display trend charts and the alarm screen in a web browser. Four web clients allow password secure connections from up to four remote users simultaneously.
Web control. Instrument scanning can be started and stopped remotely from the Web view screen in a browser, using one of the four thin web clients within Fluke DAQ.
Alarm pages. The Fluke DAQ alarm page gives the operator a full page view of historical and present alarm conditions. The opera¬tor has full control over alarm acknowledgement function and can select filters for viewing specific channel alarm history by channel or date range. Alarm conditions may also be emailed to users for immediate notification of system status.
Off-line operation. Instruments can be left scan¬ning when the Fluke DAQ 6.0 application shuts down. Start the program again and Fluke DAQ 6.0 software reconnects to your instruments and resumes data retrieval and control.
Import/export configuration files. The Fluke DAQ 6.0 soft¬ware configuration is saved in XML format, which allows the configuration to be easily imported, exported and edited.
Automatic start scan. Fluke DAQ 6.0 can be easily set to start scanning automatically when your computer is started. This allows unattended opera¬tion or automatic scan resum¬ing after a power failure.
Multiple language support. Version 6.0 speaks your language and can be switched from one language to another during operation. Languages supported in Fluke DAQ include English, Spanish, Swedish, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Italian, German, French and Chinese.
One of the following Microsoft operating systems:
Microsoft Windows Vista Service Pack 2
Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1
Microsoft Windows Server 2012
1 GHz or greater
8 GB recommended
Disk space:
3 GB recommended
Application size:
432 MB
Model Name | Description |
2680A-APSW v6.0 |
Fluke DAQ 6.0 Application Software for Fluke data acquisition products. |
2680A-APSW/L |
Fluke DAQ 6.0 Lite-Basic Data Collection Software |
2680A-APSW/LU |
Upgrade from Lite to Full Version V6.0 |
2680A-APSW/U |
Upgrade from V5 or below |
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