These versatile, low cost thermocouples can be used for a wide variety of surface temperature measurements including environmental testing, temperature surveys of electrical components, oven wall temperatures, etc. The foil sensor incorporates a thermocouple sensor which is rolled flat before being embedded between two paper thin glass reinforced high temperature polyimide laminates. These both support and electrically insulate the thermocouple as well as providing a flat surface for cementing or resining the sensor to. They feature rugged 0.2mm dia fibreglass leads 2 metres long and are available in thermocouple types K, T, J and N. They are designed for easy installation either by using the adhesive weld compound which we offer or alternatively by using an epoxy resin. Users must ensure the resin they use satisfies the operating temperature they intend working within.
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통신판매업신고번호 제 2014-용인기흥-0097호 |
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